Posted on March 11, 2011 at 4:07am
by Vitaliy Lyubezhanin
End of last week I received a phone call with a big project proposal. But the project didn't fall into my hands so easy. I had to provide some of my work in a short demo clip to the art director. Honestly, I didn't have a demo clip. So next morning, after sunday service, I quickly stopped by Ugol Studios to collect some of my work. Looking through a lot of archive is not easy and picking out something for a 1.5 min demo is difficult. I didn't know what I wanted to include. I've done many short clips, projects, logo sequences, etc. But I grabbed more than I needed just in case. I quickly drove home, grabbed a plate of mashed potatoes and ran to the computer half working half eating. My demo needs to be uploaded by 7:00 pm. It's already 3:30 pm.
This demo was fully done in After Effects. Nothing was taking out into Final Cut. Literally, I treated After Effects as a linear editing program. Once everything was done, I was satisfied with what I created in 3.5 hrs.
Oh and the clip was online at 6:45 pm. 15 min before the requested time. ...